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第103章 Imagination at work&life

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hi, everybody!

I am zhang feng from Inspirenergy \\u0027s team.

It’s a cold day today, but I will inspire energy to you all.

Now let’s begin. my topic is Imagination for 2009.

Firstly let’s review the year of 2008. there were too many things happened around in this year, such as snow disaster, earthquake disaster, flood disaster. three disasters, with huge loss, especially Sichuan earthquake, which has made our country a huge loss materially and financially,but at the same time it’s also the most united time currently in the country.

the second slide is entertainment industry, the most famous of which was chenguanxi dirty photos,these photos shocked our eyes, but also let us know the special industry, that is “being famous fast, and being notorious fast”.

the third slide is beijing olympic, congratulations to our country, we had won 51 pieces golden medals. I like sports, and watched a lot of games, so great highlights.

the last slide in 2008 is economy crisis and stock disaster. It’s also miserable. can I ask those who have stocks please show your hands? oh, that’s good, you are all lucky. I have stocks, but I am lucky too, because little money, little lose.

For myself, I think I hadn’t so many things in 2008, but I had 2 or 3 important things I would share with you. the first one was I passed mbA exam, and luckily became a tongji student, knowing so many good guys.

the second one was that I got a new job in April this year. It’s my new job, new opportunity, and also a new life.

the third one is also very important but I haven’t pleted yet, because it’s still 2 weeks left this year.

And now I am going to talk imagination for 2009.

the first is I hope there is no disaster, no harm. there were too many natural disasters in 2008 not just in china. If put 100 years natural disasters into 2008, I think it’s acceptable, that means it’s life security in the following 100 years. though I hope this, I also hope related experts to improve forecast technology, to improve forecast accurate. because I think earlier forecast, less lose. meanwhile, we should be much more united to get through the hard time together when disaster happen.

Let’s see the second, no panic in economic crisis, as last year American subprime lending crisis happened, especially from September this year, American economy, European, and even china suffered big lose. but it’s also a good opportunity for rethink, readjust, then stand up for better improvement.

As for stock market, money es and goes fast, it’s a game. You know the game rule well, then you can control yourself freely, otherwise you will be passive, sometimes even dangerous, just like recently stock market.

For myself in 2009, the first thing is certainly to pass all mbA courses. this is my goal; I think it’s also everyone’s goal, right?

the second one is about my job; it is good place for project trip. You know to implement a project is a very difficult and also a lasting process. If it’s put in a good place, we will get relaxation to keep the job interesting.

the last one is I hope we all have more colorful and healthy life. Impacted by economy downturn, our work maybe bees not as busy as before, so we may have more spare time to study and live. those who have been very busy before, in 2009, you can relax adjust yourself and spend more time with your family and friends. So wele to our pany Sanpin 空间,we will inspire energy to you. You think it, and you get it. So have fun in your 2009.

thank you!





















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