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大家在看掀饭桌!小疯批夺回气运后不忍了 穿到八零家属院:撩的兵王心尖颤 穿成奸臣嫡女,她本色出演 污欲狂撩 穿越六零,随军海岛养崽崽 被赶出家属院:嫁老男人养崽开摆 闪婚七零军官,好孕军嫂一胎三宝 惨死三世,女配摆烂后他们都慌了 我靠生子系统在修仙界长生了 重生攻略:阿弟求放过 
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第326章 具体事项

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“好的,请他去会议室那边的,我们现在过去了!”张晓茹就和杨日升梁辉几个站起来,出去会议室那边的,助理就冲好茶拿进来后,张晓茹就跟凯文他们说:“Kevin, are you resting? Are you here today because of what we talked about yesterday?”

“It\\u0027s a good rest, my guest friends are going back today, they all told me that yesterday\\u0027s clothing show was a success, they will contact the pany more when they go back, and give you a strong publicity!”凯文就说了自己的朋友的意见的!

“谢谢哈!what about the collaboration we talked about last night?”张晓茹就问了,凯文就说:“I came to deal with this strategic cooperation agreement with Julian and them today because of this matter, shall we make a cooperation model?”

“okay, I also told brother Sheng and brother hui about this today, their opinions are very good, we can cooperate more in the future, as for the way of cooperation, what do you think?”张晓茹将这个合作模式给了凯文方决定的!

凯文就说:“I personally think that we can cooperate to open projects, if you want to develop projects abroad, you have to cooperate with me, so that you can also cooperate with me to publicize them, and you develop projects, we can give you free publicity! Specifically, let\\u0027s decide according to the actual situation! the cost will be divided according to domestic and foreign expenses!what do you think? Is this way good?”

张晓茹和杨日升,梁辉就互相看了一眼,然后张晓茹就说:“Kevin, let\\u0027s make an agreement first, and then in a specific way, we will do it according to the actual situation, and we still need some time to discuss and see?”

“by the way, are you going back in a hurry today? how long can you stay? what are we going to talk about specifically, about the signing of the agreement?”

凯文就回答:“we still have to stay here for a few more days, not so soon to go back, I still have a customer to visit, so not so soon, Julian will stay here to discuss the signing of the agreement with you, I will e back the day after tomorrow, if the specific terms are determined, we can sign directly!”

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站内强推官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 猎艳江湖 年代1960:穿越南锣鼓巷, 大奉打更人 我在长白山赶山狩猎 红尘都市 都市花语 瑜伽老师花样多 渔港春夜 快穿之位面养成记2 大明暴君,我为大明续运三百年 凡人修仙传 综武:天机不可泄露?我知无不言 完美世界 惊!天降老公竟是首富 重回1982小渔村 我法师加奶妈,用七把剑不过份吧 度韶华 全民黑雾求生:打造天空之城 苟王,我的师兄太低调了 
经典收藏虚空塔 穿越六零年代:我有了首都户口 我无限回档,洞悉所有底牌 十日终焉 开局59年,人在南锣鼓巷 穿越综影:从下乡开始隐居幕后 穿越六零,随军海岛养崽崽 吞天仙根 柯南:我是道士,不是侦探 带百亿物资,在70年代风生水起 四合院的小日常 男主又双叒摆烂,敬业宿主杀疯了 东京死神的日常 重生末世之开局悬浮城 闪婚七零军官,好孕军嫂一胎三宝 快穿祖孙杀疯了,专注创死渣极品 预知穿越后囤百万物资!回到七零 综漫:人在原神,加入聊天群 胜天半子:祁同伟的进部之路 重生七零:宝妈有空间 
最近更新成仙却被天道放逐去异世界当魔王 老夫人重生了 避孕失败!沈小姐带崽独美,厉总慌了 引火 海贼:我,打造了最强家族 宴公侯 小妾要修仙 千年四象灵珠下凡历险记 我只想做个二道贩子 穿越商朝之神秘之旅 老实王爷老虎妻 修仙界卷起来了,始作俑者不是她吧? 鄂东女神 不一样的青春味道 什么造反?本王这叫进京勤王! 落屿归航 原铁,直播间降临! 为了上户口,我闪婚了千亿大佬 逆天女帝 嫡姐人淡如菊,重生庶妹天生脾气爆不好惹 
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