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大家在看渔港春夜 和竹马睡了以后 学生会长和小干事 重生后,我成了省委书记的女婿 八个姐姐独宠我,全是扶弟狂魔! 四合院:卖掉工作考中专 四合院:何雨柱的平凡一生 四合院:从1958开始 我的1949从长白山开始 四合院:我何雨柱,高考逆袭人生 
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第100章 早之道 晚之道

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make a schedule before the day.

Use more English in my life records from now on.

Summarize a day at night, and make the schedule for second day.

continue to write my English records in my inefficient time.

what scares me now?

problem: I will be probably shocked in English class.

how to solve the problem?

I think out some solutions, as follows:

First, write many lines.

Second, practice makes perfect.

third, show cpS rule in the stage.












try to translate my records into English if I have time, though it’s a big workload.

through study mbA, I must master the ability of sales\\u0026marketing, the ability of oral English, and the ability of leadship. but how can I obtain the goal? my goal is that I can be a very good one by hard work in half year, and it will be some effective in three months.

First step is that I need to improve my sales ability and listen ability in a week.

I need to take care of the language structure when I speaking.

quickly look through the manual and ask Siemens engineer for my questions.

today the power was on, and tested profibus at afternoon, m7,m8 is active, but others are still inactive. tomorrow I need to make more test, including as follow:

First, as for R panel network. I need to test the status of m7 or m8 without profibus connector, so I can judge other m panel status. Another item I want to test is that whether m1 to pLc is active, take m1 as a terminal station.

whenever I speak chinese or English, I should keep cool down and speak structurally.

the control cabinet must be tested pletely in panel factory before moving in customer site. If not, it will bring very inconvenient in later work.

Strive for testing m network in the morning, and testing R network in the afternoon.

\\\"we push the project to GE, not huayu.\\\"

\\\"Yean, we are contractor. but when huayu is excuting, we don\\u0027t interfere, we must go to site if necessary. So I think we are not always at site, but we would be at site if necessary.\\\"

From now on, I should transfer mainly technology to negotiation, just like IVo, half the year by technology, half the year by negotiation. So I need to get ready well for the homework of the negotiation.

today there also had all day class, the course was dianliangfa. I was defeated again since I began with mbA class. but today was different, the course was my strength, but my show was almost zero in the class. Now the problem was that my show always zero whatever my strengths or weaknesses. I was very awful for that, really felt sorry for our team.

what\\u0027s more important now is how to improve my performamce in the class show? First of all, if my ability in my mind is ready; second, if my voice is ready; third, if my body language is ready; fourth, if my leadership\/ my sales skills is ready.

today I should stay at home to improve my ability, if my ability is going up, my chance will jump up.

Not my volume is too low, instead my voice is too weak. I think I should learn to express my voice more energy and farther. Just like qianlichuanyin, it use ones inner power not only ones volume.

make you interest going to class which mainly include 2 parts, the teachers are interesting and attractive, so the classmates too. Naturally, we can only see teachers how to show , but now I think the classmates show are also very attractive. For myself, I need take more chances for show show again.

Early theory and Late theory. 早之道,晚之道。

Something should apply Early theory, and something should apply Late theory. Just like yesterday retool thing, it should apply Et, but I apply it Lt. From now on, I should take more practice for the 2t.

today I knew a GRob engineer, I felt he was good at show, and show his English. but I felt his ability was not very strong, sometimes he made some mistakes. he didn\\u0027t know the 2t,then I told him, he felt benefited and admired me.

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