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第101章 蓬莱岛

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It is very good weather in the Saturday\\u0027s morning , so I can\\u0027t help travelling to penglai. but he xiaolong phoned me after breakfast.

\\\"have you any arrangment in this Saturday\\u0027s morming?\\\"

\\\"Is there anything special in factory?\\\"

\\\"Not yet, I thought if you didn\\u0027t have plans, you could e to the facotry.\\\"

\\\"today is Saturday, if I go to factory, our pany will count me overtime, if there is anything in the factory, you can call me, I can e right away.\\\"

\\\"oK, no problem.\\\"

the project is still in the installation phase, and has not yet e to missioning phase. today is Saturday, the weather is so attracted me, and I think it is also a good chance to penglai. So I started my journey at 11 Am.

After Arriving at penglai, I certainly went to the most famous scene in my impression. but I was disappointed, I feel bad. maybe today\\u0027s penglaige which haven\\u0027t been the old one.

After ing back from penglaige, it was still a little early, so I want to go the second scene- baxianguohai. before I arrived at the scenic spot, I was deeply impressed by the surrounding buildings. Unitl I went in it, I was surprised very much, because I very like it, like its building, like its water, like its layout, like its culture. due to so many likes, I took many photos.

After the second scene, the remaining was not enough time for the next scene- Sanxianshan, which I heard it was a very good scene. but for me, I just hope for the next time, and with someone or my family.

totally today\\u0027s short journey has met my expectations, gave me a good feeling and experience. It can be said I haven\\u0027t pity in Yantai\\u0027s scene.


1. technical. problem-solving ability,more methods, more inspiration


1. building ability, organizing ability.


No strength. chinese weak, and English is even weaker.


one brain, different mind. I think my mind have different status, sometimes my mind is very smart especially in problem-solve ability, but sometimes my mind is not smart especially in temp conversations.









I was beated again when in class. Exposure my more weaknesses, I feel very bad, so I must change the current situation in 2 years.

can exist all are hard people in battle or business?


Now I feel the course of dLF is not deep, the difficult is that I think there are concepts and formulas. If understand them well, it’s easy to pass the course.

If the concepts or formulas are difficult, you should do simple subject to understand them, and if not, you should do difficult subject to work out.

dLF, the first reading, know the general course. the second reading, know the concept and formula. And the third, can do exercises. the fourth, be familiar with them.

when discuss with others, firstly break the topic, and analyze it, at last summarize the topic.

Although he is the pm, I still can express my points, my thinkings, just pm make a final decision.

what I said slowly is that I think my energy is not enough, the solution is simple, that is to increase my energy.

transfer my voice.

when voice with more energy, the effect is improving obviously.










From edy movie, I can learn the pose of being handsome and funny scene.

就那SGm 北厂那个项目来说,光写pLc程序也就一个月的时间,主要是要花两个月的时间在构思上,所以如果构思在早点进行,是大大提高进度的。

English ppt topic selection: story, product promotion, hot news.

Summarize this year and look forward to next year.

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